Happy Saturday!!!
Hi guys!!! Happy Saturday!!! This is going to be the first actual new revamp blog post that I will be doing. It's going to have a lot more material but it'll be worth-reading and I hope you enjoy!!! I want to start off this blog post with....
My Quote(s) Of The Day:
Which is "live in the moment" and "never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game." I like "live in the moment" because I am always over-thinking things and planning ahead and I don't just live in the moment. It's important to live in the moment because life is short which brings me to my next quote which is "never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game." I like this quote because you shouldn't live life with fears because it'll hold you back from seeing the little things in life that makes life wonderful. These quotes should motivate you to face your fears and overcome them. These quotes are a good daily reminder to say to yourself on a daily basis.
The next topic I want to talk about is.....
Outfit Of The Day/Makeup:
For my makeup I have lately been doing something simple of just cover up/powder, mascara and filling in my brows but today I actually did my full face which I haven't done in awhile just because I really haven't felt like doing it and because I haven't had time. My full face makeup routine consists of primer, concealer, liquid foundation, cover up ( over the blemishes and such), setting powder, contour, highlighter/bronzer and that's for the skin/face. Then I move to the eyes I start with eyelid concealer, then I move into eye liner , eye shadow, eye shimmer ( depending on if I want to add that extra sparkle), mascara and then setting spray to finish it all off. That's my full face makeup routine. Here is my outfit of the day:

Next Topic....
Recipe: Foil-Packet Meals
This has been one of my favorite meals to make right now because it's so easy and delicious! I like using chicken and adding different veggies to it.
This is also a great recipe for 1 or more people. You can make different things in foil packets but I chose chicken.
Here's The Ingredients:
- Boneless Chicken Breasts(the amount will vary depending on how many packets you will be making)
First, rip a piece of foil (big enough to cover your meal)
Next, cut/slice the vegetables the way you like
Then, add seasoning and a pad of butter on top of your vegetables
Next, add your chicken
Season and add a pad of butter or two on top of your chicken
Wrap foil up and add another piece of foil over the other one and fold ( It works best if fold it opposite the other one so that the butter doesn't come out when it melts)
Grill until chicken is done and vegetables are to your liking and enjoy!
Next Topic:
Sports....Blackhawks in particular
As many of you know the Blackhawks season is over..... and I am quite sad about this because that means hockey withdrawal begins and we have to wait till October for hockey season to actually start up again!!! I feel this season was all about streaks, record-breaking moments, and proving other's wrong!!! It was a fun ride this season and I am a very proud Hawks fan because of this organization and these boys!!! This organization is a class act on and off the ice and us fans got your back 100% win or lose. Until Next Year Boys!!!! Come out hungry!!!
My Quote(s) Of The Day:
Which is "live in the moment" and "never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game." I like "live in the moment" because I am always over-thinking things and planning ahead and I don't just live in the moment. It's important to live in the moment because life is short which brings me to my next quote which is "never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game." I like this quote because you shouldn't live life with fears because it'll hold you back from seeing the little things in life that makes life wonderful. These quotes should motivate you to face your fears and overcome them. These quotes are a good daily reminder to say to yourself on a daily basis.
The next topic I want to talk about is.....
Outfit Of The Day/Makeup:
For my makeup I have lately been doing something simple of just cover up/powder, mascara and filling in my brows but today I actually did my full face which I haven't done in awhile just because I really haven't felt like doing it and because I haven't had time. My full face makeup routine consists of primer, concealer, liquid foundation, cover up ( over the blemishes and such), setting powder, contour, highlighter/bronzer and that's for the skin/face. Then I move to the eyes I start with eyelid concealer, then I move into eye liner , eye shadow, eye shimmer ( depending on if I want to add that extra sparkle), mascara and then setting spray to finish it all off. That's my full face makeup routine. Here is my outfit of the day:

Next Topic....
Recipe: Foil-Packet Meals
This has been one of my favorite meals to make right now because it's so easy and delicious! I like using chicken and adding different veggies to it.
This is also a great recipe for 1 or more people. You can make different things in foil packets but I chose chicken.
Here's The Ingredients:
- Boneless Chicken Breasts(the amount will vary depending on how many packets you will be making)
First, rip a piece of foil (big enough to cover your meal)
Next, cut/slice the vegetables the way you like
Then, add seasoning and a pad of butter on top of your vegetables
Next, add your chicken
Season and add a pad of butter or two on top of your chicken
Wrap foil up and add another piece of foil over the other one and fold ( It works best if fold it opposite the other one so that the butter doesn't come out when it melts)
Grill until chicken is done and vegetables are to your liking and enjoy!
Next Topic:
Sports....Blackhawks in particular
As many of you know the Blackhawks season is over..... and I am quite sad about this because that means hockey withdrawal begins and we have to wait till October for hockey season to actually start up again!!! I feel this season was all about streaks, record-breaking moments, and proving other's wrong!!! It was a fun ride this season and I am a very proud Hawks fan because of this organization and these boys!!! This organization is a class act on and off the ice and us fans got your back 100% win or lose. Until Next Year Boys!!!! Come out hungry!!!
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