3 Ingredient Healthy Pancakes - Week 21
Hi Guys!!!! Happy 2016!!!! As 2015 came to an end and 2016 began. I didn't make a revolution but I thought to myself ... one thing I want to do this year is eat healthier. I've been interested in clean eating but since I am a picky eating I wasn't sure if I could do it. However , I have found some healthy clean eating recipes that I actually would like and can't wait to try them! So this year I'm going to try and eat healthier but I am still going to eat what I would normally eat but I am going to find new ways to make it healthier. So enough about my life story .... This recipe is clean eating and it taste really good!!!

This recipe is adapted by http://simmerandboil.cookinglight.com/2014/10/25/3-ingredient-pancakes/#sthash.D5xx1LOS.qjtu
- 1 egg
- 1 ripe banana
- 2 tablespoons of flour
- Splash of Vanilla
- Dash or two of cinnamon
- Mash the banana in a bowl and combine the egg and flour. Whisk or stir until all ingredients are combined
- Heat a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Spoon the batter onto the skillet (I used a tablespoon to pour for each pancake, but you can make them bigger or smaller depending on what you like.)
- Cook for 2 minutes until you see bubbles form and the edges are brown
- Flip and cook another minute or so until brown on both sides.
- Serve and Enjoy!!! ( You can add syrup or whatever you like on your pancakes)

This recipe is adapted by http://simmerandboil.cookinglight.com/2014/10/25/3-ingredient-pancakes/#sthash.D5xx1LOS.qjtu
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